So, John McCain wants to save us money on gas by getting rid of the federal gas tax for the summer. Which of course means millions of dollars that won't be going for road maintenance, as that's what the tax is for. And he has no plan to make up the difference, unlike Hillary Clinton who at least taxed the oil company profits.
Speaking of oil companies, Mr. Save Americans Money on gas wants to continue, and even increase, billions in taxpayer subsidies to the oil companies...companies which have been posting the highest profits in the history of the world. So basically, he wants to seem like he's saving gullible people money on the front-end, i.e. at the pump, while taking it back from them on the back-end and giving it straight to Exxon-Mobil, Shell, etc. Now, that's change you can believe in.
Trump’s pathetic Tesla stunt proves he’s chosen billionaires over his base
President Donald Trump’s ridiculous car salesman schtick at the White House
Tuesday made a mockery of the Executive Office. It was pathetic seeing
Trump ...
10 hours ago
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