I'd just like to thank Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and the 103 other Democrats who voted for the abyssmal FISA bill today, for taking a big steaming dump on the 4th Amendment. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously, are you ever going to learn that "compromise" means giving Bush and the Republicans exactly what they want?
And where were you, Barack Obama, during this whole business? Way to relase a statement after the vote. You're the leader of our party now, and had you shown some actual leadership, the Democrats in the House might never have gone along with this abomination.
Hopefully the Senate strips the immunity out of the bill when they get it. But if not, I'm sure the Democrats, Obama included, will just roll over and play dead the way their House colleagues did.
Trump’s pathetic Tesla stunt proves he’s chosen billionaires over his base
President Donald Trump’s ridiculous car salesman schtick at the White House
Tuesday made a mockery of the Executive Office. It was pathetic seeing
Trump ...
10 hours ago
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