Fox News Joe (FNJ) has officially shown his true colors and declared that he will begin collecting signatures to run as an independent if he loses the Democratic Primary to Ned Lamont. More here, from the excellent Daily Kos
This is one hell of a bombshell to drop only a few days before Thrusday's debate between the two candidates. Do you really need any more proof that Lieberman cares nothing about the Democratic Party? This move has been expected for a long time, and I'm glad it finally came. This should show Connecticut voters, and Dems especially, that Lieberman cares nothing about their wishes or will. He cares only about keeping his cushy Senate seat.
FNJ is playing a dangerous game here. He must be thinking that those Republicans he's so cozy with will he helping him in the general election, assuming he loses the primary, come November. However, with the Democrats split over Lieberman and Lamont in such a scenario, does he really think Republicans won't take advantage of the situation and do everything to get an actual Republic elected? You know, the kind with an (R) after their name on TV?
Let's not support this turncoat anymore. Don't sign his petition and don't help him in any way. That goes for you Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd, and others. FNJ obviously cares nothing about the Democratic Party. Pledge your support to a REAL DEMOCRAT
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President Donald Trump’s ridiculous car salesman schtick at the White House
Tuesday made a mockery of the Executive Office. It was pathetic seeing
Trump ...
6 hours ago