I just learned something amazing. According to Representative Pete King (R-NY), who I just watched on Fox News, the First Amendment is not absolute. See, the right wingers are all up in arms over the fact that the New York Times had the audacity to report on the Administration's monitoring of American's international banking records. It's all part of the Time's liberal, communist, left wing agenda to hurt America and help al-Qaeda. Now these Republican pillars of virtue are calling on the Justice Department to file charges against the newspaper because they're being treasonous and hurting national security. Freedom of the Press, anyone? Well, according to Representative King, apparently not.
Is this really the kind of slippery slope the Republicans want to go down? If the First Amendment is not absolute, then what about the other 26? That right to bear arms thingie you gun nuts love so much? Well guess what? If the First Amendment isn't absolute, then neither is the Second. No quartering of troops? Scratch that one, it costs too much to house them on dedicated bases anyway. The Fourth Amendment? Bush and Company took a shit on that one a long time ago. And so on and so on.
I love how Republicans think they get to pick and choose which parts of the Constitution should be followed at different times. News Flash! James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights to specifically protect American citizens from governmental abuse. I guess he didn't know what he was talking about. Or Hamilton, Jefferson, or any other of the Founding Fathers.
Now, granted, after all the ranting and raving, Rep. King is partially correct. The First Amendment doesn't protect you if you yell fire in a theatre or and freedom of the press does not necessarily apply to baseless libel or slander. However, just because the government doesn't like a story, doesn't mean that it is illegal. So sorry, Rep. King, but the Times was completely justified in informing Americans that your beloved Administration was once again spying on them. In this case, the First Amendment is indeed absolute.
Hey Representative King? I got a question for you. If the First Amendment isn't absolute anymore, what about the Thirteenth? Having a couple of slaves sure would make my life easier.
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