I think colleges should be brought up on racketeering charges. Seriously. They charge anywhere from $50-$120 just to submit a graduate application. Out of the untold thousands who apply, only a few actually get accepted. That equals out to schools making a shitload of money for doing almost absolutely nothing.
Yeah, so I'm bitter. I applied to seven schools and six have turned me down. I'm not being too optimistic about the the seventh. It would be nice if they actually told you WHY you weren't accepted when they send you the rejection notice. That way, you know what aspects of you application need work and you can address the deficiencies and not make the same mistakes again. No, they just all generically tell you that you weren't recommended for admission. But there were lots of qualified aplicants, they tell me, and not everyone could be admitted. Small comfort that is.
Trump’s pathetic Tesla stunt proves he’s chosen billionaires over his base
President Donald Trump’s ridiculous car salesman schtick at the White House
Tuesday made a mockery of the Executive Office. It was pathetic seeing
Trump ...
6 hours ago